Great River is committed to work by means of the principles of HSE (Health and Safety Environment) and follows the “6S” attitude (Sort, Store, Shine, Standardize, Sustain, Safety).
Our aim is to be focused on client-oriented solutions to present the out most satisfaction. We do believe in Mahatma Gandhi’s quotation:
“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.”
We work by this rule and we are proud and honored to be at our client’s complete service.
GR guarantees the finest quality in contracting, maintenance and construction. The quality policy is communicated and enforced through managing assessments, training's, and workshops for all our team. Managers conduct regular meetings with employees and to ensure that quality policy is understood by all.
GR is committed to protect its clients and its personnel by maintaining a safe and healthy working environment in accordance with the industrial requirements and standards. Safe working practice and measures are noticeably applied on job sites.
We are dedicated to the use of eco-friendly materials to reduce waste and avoid pollution. Our environment concern is appraised by constant improvement. Our sustainability policies are communicated to all our personnel.